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2SB 009 362-011 BESKO varenr. 2SB 009 362-011 Baglygte1 DIODERING BAG/STOPLYS 24V

Teknisk information:
Regarding single or double function lamps with LEDs without
flasher function

In connection with these low powers, which are
very different from bulb versions, there can be
problems during operation on various traction vehicles
because further lighting functions are detected
by some traction vehicles. This is a vehicle
comfort function which is not required by legislation and
does not release drivers from their obligation
to see for themselves that the lighting equipment
is working.
Here, too, faulty diagnoses can be a result of the lower
power levels involved (instrument panel in the driver cab
indicates a bulb failure although the function
is working).
The functional ability of these light failure checks can
only be established by the vehicle manufacturer.
Operation of the light with alternating current or pulsed
direct current is not permitted!
The individual light functions may only be operated with a
vehicle fuse of max. 3A.
In the case of onboard current limitation with the values
specified above by the onboard control unit
an additional fuse for the lamp is not required.
Sidst set
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